How i downloaded brochure from an website without giving login info

lets say i was browsing xyz site and they had en contact info requirement for me to be able to download brochure (email , phone etc) . i dont wanna get spam from them

simply i inspect elemented the download button and started debugger

after scrolling down i found

function (data) { $("#btnSubmitDB").attr("disabled", false); if (data.indexOf("Already Exist") != -1) { sweetAlert("You are already registered with us!", "", "error").then(function () { swal.close(); });

} else { sweetAlert("Thank you For Showing your Interest", "", "success").then(function () { swal.close(); addDownloadLink(); $('#modalContactForm-1, .modal-backdrop').hide(); // $('#modalContactForm-1').hide(3000); // window.location.href = "";

}); } }

here in else part there is an addDownloadLink(); method

function addDownloadLink() { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = './FUTURE_ACADEMY_MACHINE_LEARNING_BROCHURE.PDF'; = './FUTURE_ACADEMY_MACHINE_LEARNING_BROCHURE.PDF'; link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')); console.log(; }


copy the content of function and paste in new console tab

and boom you just downloaded the content without login or giving your info